Maritime BooksMaritime books published between 1985-2005 The best maritime book collection on the web! |
Bowling Green State University. Institute for Great Lakes Research. (1988). American Ship Building Company and predecessors: naval architectural drawings, 1867-1920. Perrysburg, Ohio, Libraries and Learning Resources, Bowling Green State University.
Gold, E. (1988). A New law of the sea for the Caribbean: an examination of marine law and policy issues in the Lesser Antilles. New York, Springer Verlag.
Gosselin, J. (1988). The development of the international law of marine fisheries: 2 v.
Johnston, D. M. (1988). The theory and history of ocean boundary-making. Kingston Ont., McGill-Queen's University Press.
Kolodkin, A. L., Vsesoëiìuznoe ob·edinenie "Mortekhinformreklama" (Soviet Union), et al. (1988). Sovremennoe morskoe pravo i mezhdunarodnoe sudokhodstvo: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva, Transport.
Leanza, U., L. Sico, et al. (1988). The Mediterranean continental shelf: delimitations and regimes: a collection of international and national legal sources. Dobbs Ferry, NY, Oceana Publications.
Marsden, R. G., S. Gault, et al. (1988). Marsden on collisions at sea. London, Sweet & Maxwell.
Movchan, A. P. and A. ëIìAnkov (1988). Mirovoæi okean i mezhdunarodnoe pravo. Moskva, Nauka.
Pharand, D. (1988). Canada's Arctic waters in international law. Cambridge England; New York, Cambridge University Press.
Rose, F. D. (1988). International commercial and maritime arbitration. London, Sweet & Maxwell.
Smith, B. D. (1988). State responsibility and the marine environment: the rules of decision. Oxford Oxfordshire
New York, Clarendon Press;
Oxford University Press.
Tetley, W., B. G. McDonough, et al. (1988). Marine cargo claims. Montreal, âEditions Y. Blais.
Todd, P. (1988). Contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. London, BSP Professional Books.
Vukas, B. (1988). The Legal regime of enclosed or semi-enclosed seas: the particular case of the Mediterranean. Zagreb, Birotehnika.
White, L. J. and American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. (1988). International trade in ocean shipping services: the United States and the world. Cambridge, Mass, Ballinger.